Review of Design and Preparation of Augmentation Plan for Erosion Issues and Associated Jetty Stability and Shore Protection Measures

Narrative description of Project:

For the Preparation of report on Design Review and Augmentation Plan on shore Protection Measures for the River Jetty (River Terminal at Mukterpur, Munshigonj on the left bank of Dhaleshwari River against erosion of the slope and bottom due to (1) Bow thruster action, (2) Main Propeller rudder and (3) River flow impact (here after project) Summit Alliance Port Limited (SAPL) approached DevCon to carry out the required services.

The Objectives of the project are as follows:

  • To review the adequacy of the proposed structure foundation and shore (slope) protection work against erosion may be caused by (a) bow thruster action of vessels calling at the Jetty and / or (b) Main propeller rudder usage of vessels whilst Mooring / unmooring and / or (c) river flow impacts
  • To prepare Augmentation Plan to address this erosion issues and associated Jetty stability

The scope of work for the assignment involves-

(i)       To calculate possible erosion effects caused by each of the above 3 causes

(ii)      To verify whether erosion measures are required for each cause

(iii)    If protection measures are needed, then to design the required protective measures addressing issues such as construction methodology and maintenance costs, implementation schedule etc.

(iv)     To prepare a report incorporating the above results.


As per the scope of services for the project, the following activities were performed:

  • Collection, review and necessary analysis of hydro-morphological data of the river Dhaleshwari,
  • Collection of data on river erosion due to ship propulsion,
  • Erosion and scour depth analysis,
  • Collection and production of Satellite Images of different years for necessary analyses,
  • River Morphological Study,
  • Checking and review of design the shore protection structures,
  • Perform design modification for shore protection and jetty structures, as appropriate to the field,

Suggestion and recommendation on different issues and production of Reports and Drawings.

BDT 2,281,250/ USD 29,064.21
Summit Alliance Port Limited (SAPL)