Case Studies

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Detail Narrative Description of Project:

Roads & Highways Department (RHD) had intended to perform road condition assessment works to update data base of road networks. Under the program three types of assessment were carried out, which are-

  • Road Condition Assessment (14,427km)
  • Classified Traffic Count (732 stations)
  • Benkelmen Beam Deflection Test (3,078 points)

The assessment works were carried out on 14,427 km of roads of which 3,529 km of National Highways, 4,127 km of Regional Highways and 6,771 km of zilla roads.


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provides by your Company:

The following services were provided by the consortium members, led by DevCon (Lead Firm)

  • Road Condition Assessment (14,427km)

Road Condition Assessment included assessment of pavement conditions in terms of pavement distresses like cracking, retting, potholes, broken edge, delimitation, depression, reveling, repair of shoulder, repair of slope, repair of side dram.

  • Classified Traffic Count (732 stations)

Carried out at selected 732 stations on the National, Regional & Zilla road networks.

  • Benkelmen Beam Deflection Test (3,078 points)

In order to assess pavement stiffness, non-destructive testing by means of deflection measurement was carried out at 3,078 nos. of locations.

0.27 million
Roads and Highways Department (RHD)

Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:                        

The following services were provided by the consortium members, with DevCon as the Lead Firm:

  • Road condition assessment (8,420km)

Road Condition assessment includes assessment of pavement conditions in terms of pavement distresses like cracking, retting, potholes, broken edge, delimitation, depression, reveling, repair of shoulder, repair of slope, repair of side dram.

  • Classified Traffic Count (497 Stations)

Manual Classified Traffic Count was carried out on the National, Regional & Zilla road networks.

  • Benkelmen Beam Deflection Test (3,085 points)

In order to assess pavement stiffness, non-destructive testing by means of deflection measurement is carried out.

  • Video Trafic count surveys-50 points.


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:                        

The following services were provided by the consortium members, with DevCon as the Lead Firm:

  • Road condition assessment (8,420km)

Road Condition assessment includes assessment of pavement conditions in terms of pavement distresses like cracking, retting, potholes, broken edge, delimitation, depression, reveling, repair of shoulder, repair of slope, repair of side dram.

  • Classified Traffic Count (497 Stations)

Manual Classified Traffic Count was carried out on the National, Regional & Zilla road networks.

  • Benkelmen Beam Deflection Test (3,085 points)

In order to assess pavement stiffness, non-destructive testing by means of deflection measurement is carried out.

Video Trafic count surveys-50 points

0.270 million
Roads and Highways Department (RHD)

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:

With the capital growing very fast and increasing traffic on the roads and highways it has been a concern to eradicate traffic congestion with new road alignments and improvement of the existing roads. Thus the construction of a 3rd Bridge on Shitalakhya River came into reality. As per the requirement of KFAED and the Saudi Funding Agency, the GoB decided to prepare a comprehensive Techno-Economic Feasibility Study Report. The project activities included all necessary technical and economic studies, field surveys, surface and sub-surface investigation, laboratory testing and related works, including those described below to attain the stated objectives.

Bridge Dimensions (summary):

The total length of the structure is 1290m with 400m of Main Bridge (continuous PSC Single Box Girder and PSC Twin Box Suspended Spans in alternate arrangement) and the rest 890m of viaduct portion on both ends.

Span arrangement:

Main Bridge (400m) = 3 x 90m spans + 2 x 25m end spans (PSC Twin Box Girder)

Viaduct Portion (890m) = 28 x 30m spans (RCC Twin box girder & RCC twin box cast-in-situ viaduct) + 2 x 25m end spans (PSC T-girder)


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Company:

  • To review all existing data and studies relating to the proposal to design the new bridges.
  • To conduct traffic studies such as existing traffic on road, vehicles on road in study area, traffic survey, characteristics of traffic crossing the rivers, O-D analysis, commodities carried by truck, Bus passengers, car passengers, analysis of present crossing time, Traffic forecast, analysis of transport cost, vehicles operating cost etc.
  • To conduct necessary digital topographic surveys and soundings of the two rivers to determine the cross section of the river.
  • Study the river hydrology and hydraulics in study area including climate, hydrological and hydrographical study.
  • To conduct geotechnical studies and investigations including preliminary seismic study.
  • Study the materials required for the bridges including construction materials for approach roads.
  • To work out all possible bridge locations and approach embankment including river cross section and provide a comparative study and recommend the best for consideration by the Government.
  • Through hydraulic and river morphology study the consultant have made preliminary design for protective works.

The Consultants have also conducted: Preliminary design, preliminary cost estimate; techno-economic analysis; environmental impact assessment and resettlement requirement for the bridge.

Roads and Highways Department (RHD)

The project aimed to ensure expansion of road network to ease the then traffic congestion around Dhaka Metropolitan city. Construction of the proposed 3rd Buriganga bridge commonly known as Shaheed Buddhijibi Bridge (708 m) on Z8208 at Basilla would pave the way to expansion of the Dhaka Metropolitan city towards the west and south-west side.

Bridge Substructure: Pile foundation= 132 nos. of 600mm dia and 96 nos. 1200mm dia; Abutments = 2 nos.; Piers =27 nos.

Bridge Superstructure: Cast-in-situ PC Box Girder

Span Arrangement = 9 x 47m (box girder) + 19 x 15m (viaduct) = 708 m; Approach Road = 2640 m.

Again Dhaka-Chittagong Highway (N1) is the most important traffic corridor and National Highway of Bangladesh Road network. There was only one bridge on Shitalakhya river. The city expanding very fast and traffic congestion over the bridge was a regular phenomenon. To ease the situation, the need for construction of a second bridge over river Shitalakhya, the Sultana Kamal Bridge (1072 m) on R201 at Demra became urgent.

Bridge Substructure: Pile foundation (600mm dia) = 222 nos.; Abutments = 2 nos.; Piers = 33 nos.

Bridge Superstructure: Cast-in-situ PC Box Girder

Span Arrangement = 2 x 61m + 2 x 90m (cantilever box girder) + 10 x 47m (box girder) + 20 x 15m (viaduct) = 1072 m; Approach Road = 982 m


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provides by your Company:

  • Review of all Detailed Design, Drawing, and Tender Documents ,
  • Construction Supervision and Quality control of bridge construction works,
  • Check Contractor’s invoices and certifying payment,
  • Monitoring progress and prepare progress reports,
  • Prepare and recommend variation orders,
  • Construction supervision of Bridge toll plaza,
  • Environmental Monitoring, construction of river training and protective works,
  • Transfer of Technology and Staff training,
  • Environmental Management and Monitoring,
  • Operation and Maintenance,


1.52 million
Roads and Highways Department (RHD) / KFAED

The project focused on Design Review of the proposed Jatrabari-Gulistan Flyover having 4 lanes and length of about 7.0 km, including the ramps, loops and branches, paved approach road network with the main flyover portion being 3400m and composed of PC box girders. Topographical survey and traffic count were carried out by a survey company, the detailed engineering design being carried out by the private sector investors and reviewed and approved by the client and consultants.

The main objectives of the assignment were to review and finalize detailed design, supervision for the construction of Jatbari-Gulistan Flyover and to assist DCC. The scope of works included Detailed review and finalization of design, conduction of necessary surveys (topographic, traffic, pavement condition, drainage, subsoil conditions etc.) for identifying design criteria, implementation of LAP and RAP, Traffic Management, preparation of Environment Management Plan (EMP), supervision of construction, institutional development of Dhaka City Corporation etc.


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provides by your Company:

The Consultant carried out the following tasks:

  • Assisted PMU in all stages including finalization of design methodology, implementation program and other related issues where appropriate in accordance with the international practices.
  • Assisted PMU to monitor the implementation of the Land Acquisition Plan by DCC;
  • Assisted PMU, DMP in Traffic Management / Diversion Plan for the construction sites;
  • Reviewed the work program, method statement, material secures etc.
  • Assisted in preparation of Land Acquisition Proposals as per requirement of the LA procedures and deliver those to DCC;
  • Monitored progress in land acquisition by following through the legal acquisition progress and assess any potential issues that DCC should resolve for timely acquisition;
  • Prepared Resettlement Action plan (RAP) as per GOB provision and supervise implementation;
  • Any other additional services as required by the employer at rates and under conditions to be mutually agreed which fall within general ambits of these terms of reference;
  • Provided technical support to DCC for maintenance and operation of the flyover;
  • Provided support for assessment of training needs and preparing training plans for institutional development;
  • Conducted training program for DCC personnel and contractor for developing their management and technical skills;

At the completions of contract assisted in preparing a consolidated project completion report. Provided with complete records, reports and as built drawings;

0.43 million
Dhaka City Corporation

The ADB funded Road Network Improvement & Maintenance Project-II aimed to:

  • Support the maintenance of the road network;
  • Upgrade the strategic regional roads and feeder roads in poor areas in the Northwest & central north regions of Bangladesh;
  • Provide better access to the boarder point of Bangladesh &
  • Complete some missing links in the main road network.

The project had the following components:

  • Road Improvement Component (widening and reconstruction up to national road level standard):
    • Total contract packages: 4 nos., Kishoreganj- 62 km, Pachnchaghar- 53 km, Nilphamari- 84 km and Chittagong- 27 km;
    • Bridges:
      • 90m long PC girder bridge at change 13+700, Bhaluka-Kishoreganj Road;
      • 90m long PC girder bridge on Panchagar-Banglabandh Road;
    • Periodic Road Maintenance Component: Rangpur- 7 contract packages, 217 km; Dhaka- 7 contract packages, 231 km;
    • Performance Based Road Routine Maintenance Contracts): Rangpur- 55 km, Dhaka- 50 km
    • Road Safety and Axle-Load Control Component: Comilla- 64 km; Dhaka- 56 km, Rangpur- 75 km

Overseas Training


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provides by your Company:

  • Road Improvement Component:

Reviewed the detailed design, supervised construction of works as per FIDIC setting up QAS, approved the contractor’s work program; Inspected material sources, laboratory plant & equipment; approved and issued working drawings; made measurement and kept measurement records, certified work volume and interim certificates of progress payments, completion of works; Inspected the works during defects liability period and certified the defects liability certificate; undertook benefit monitoring & evaluation of the project; checked and certified as-built drawings; and provided complete records and completion reports.

  • Periodic Road Maintenance Component:

Carried out Selection of the project roads for the annual road maintenance plan; prepared maintenance needs, criteria, and design along with bidding documents for the civil works contracts; procurement of civil works, Supervision Construction of works as per FIDIC (approved the contractor’s work programme; inspected materials sources, laboratory, plant and equipment; monitored and managed project progress; ensured conformance and quality control; financial control; ensured compliance with the environmental and social requirements; recommendations for the next maintenance cycle; checked and certified as-built drawings; provide completed records and completion reports).

  • Routine Road Maintenance Component (Performance Based Maintenance Contracts):

Established a performance indicator; prepared the basic design; proposed contract packages and produced tender and contract documentation; produced cost estimates for the works; procuring of the civil works; trained the RHD staff on Routine Maintenance; monitored the progress of the civil works; conducted a feasibility study and planning of works for privatizing RHD’s road maintenance equipment and workshops.

  • Road Safety and Axle-Load Control Component:

Conduct traffic accident surveys; conduct a heavy vehicle survey; develop a road safety improvement program.

  • Overseas Training:

Transfer of technology & staff training.

  • Reports:

Inception report; monthly progress report; project completion report.

6.09 million
Roads and Highways Department (RHD)

Chittagong is the major port city and the gateway of Bangladesh. It is also the second largest city and the “commercial capital” of the country. The Karnaphuli River divides Chittagong City into two parts. One part is confined with the city and the port, the other part is the area of heavy industry. Current two bridges are not sufficient to accommodate the existing huge traffic flow which is increasing with time. Due to river morphology, siltation on the bed of the Karnaphuli River is a big problem and the major threat for proper functioning of the Chittagong Port. To face the problem on siltation, Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA) intends to construct a tunnel crossing the Karnaphuli River instead of construction of another bridge over the same river. The project focused on carrying out of detailed economic and engineering investigation to examine economic viability and technical feasibility for construction of tunnel under the Karnaphuli River. There were 3 alignment options (A, B and C) for detailed study in this feasibility stage and based on the topographic and bathymetric survey, geological investigation, hydrological survey and other associated techno-economic studies the Alignment-C (Patenga-KAFCO crossing) has been recommended by the consultants. The principal part of Alignment C adopts the expressway standard and the approach road adopts the urban trunk road functions.


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:

  • Optimization of length, location and alignment of the tunnel;
  • Determination of the appropriate tunnel construction method, tunnel configuration and technology;
  • Detailed traffic survey with Origin and Destination (O-D) survey, traffic analysis and traffic forecast for a reasonable time horizon establishing traffic model;
  • Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management and Mitigation Plan (EMMP);
  • Assessment of resettlement requirements and preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP);
  • Assistance in setting out design criteria, preliminary design of the tunnel, approach roads and other components with cost estimation;
  • Preparation of Land Acquisition Plan (LAP);
  • Study of socio-economic impacts assessment of the project at local, national and international level;
  • Optimum toll rate determination, detailed economic and financial evaluation determining EIRR, NPV, BCR, FIRR along with sensitivity analysis for different scenarios and toll rates;
  • Formulation Operation and Maintenance (O & M) Plan;

Preparation of financial model.

0.19 Million
Bangladesh Bridge Authority, Ministry of Communication, GOB


Detail Narrative Description of Project:

To cope with the increasing population in Dhaka city the Govt. has planned to expand the road network. Consequent upon this intention feasibility studies undertaken to go for necessary investment for the fly-over road connectivity from Paltan to Dhaka-Mawa Road via (New) 4th Bridge over Buriganga River with link to Victoria Park. North-South road is also an important road of the city. On the other hand RAJUK intends to expand Dhaka City in southern areas. All these have justified the construction of a flyover from Paltan to Dhaka-Mawa Road via 4th (new) Buriganga Bridge.


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provides by your Company:

  • Reconnaissance field survey;
  • Review of all existing data studies relating to the proposal to design the new bridges.
  • Conduction of Traffic Studies such as existing traffic on road, vehicles on road in study area, traffic survey, characteristics of traffic crossing the rivers, O-D analysis, commodities carried by truck, Bus passengers, operating cost etc.
  • Carrying out of necessary topographic surveys, utility surveys and river crossing surveys in 8 locations to determine the river cross-section of the river.
  • Financial and Economic Model to support large scale PPP Infrastructure project, Risk profiling, determination of lending terms, assist RAJUK to come up with justified toll/tariff with a scope of future toll escalation/revision model, project administration and procurement policy manual, identification of rationale Gob financing support required in the form of Viability Gap Funding (VGF) to make the project viable etc.
  • Through hydraulic and river morphology study preparation of preliminary design for protective works.
  • Conduction of preliminary design, preliminary cost estimate; techno-economic analysis; Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and resettlement requirement, fixation of flyover alignment and final bridge location; production of drawings; cost estimation; techno – economic evaluation including internal rate of return;

Reporting: Preparation of inception report, monthly & quarterly progress reports, draft & final feasibility report including Land Acquisition Plan (LAP) and Resettlement Action Plan (RAP).

USD 0.53 Million
Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkho (RAJUK)


The objective of the study was to carry out feasibility studies and prepare a preliminary design for construction of a bridge at Bekutia over the Kocha River at Pirojpur-Jhalokathi road to develop road communication between Pirojpur to Jhalokathi and thereby from Khulna to Barisal and assess the feasibility of the project. This bridge will grossly improve the socio-economic condition and industrial development of the area. The length of the proposed bridge is approximately 2.0 km having BIWTA class-1 navigable span of 100m.[400m East-end viaduct + 11x100m spans + 2x50m end spans + 400m West-end viaduct = Total 2000m length]


Description of Actual Services Provided by our Staff:

  • To review all existing data and studies relating to the proposal to design the new bridge.
  • Analysis of the results obtained from Traffic Studies such as existing traffic on road, vehicles on road in study area, traffic survey, characteristics of traffic crossing the rivers, O-D analysis, commodities carried by truck, Bus passengers, car passengers, analysis of Present Crossing Time, Traffic Forecast, Transport Cost Analysis, and Vehicles Operating Cost (VOC)
  • Implementation of necessary topographic surveys and bathymetric survey to determine the cross section of the river.
  • Study of the river hydrology and hydraulics in study area including climate, hydrological and hydrographical study.
  • Conduct geotechnical studies and investigations including preliminary seismic study and also study the materials required for the bridges including construction materials and alignment fixation for approach roads for the the bridge.
  • Work out all possible bridge locations and approach embankment including river cross section and provide a comparative study and recommend the best consideration for the Government.
  • Through hydraulic and river morphology study, preparation of preliminary design for protective works.

The Consultants also conducted: Preliminary design, preliminary cost estimate; techno-economic analysis; environmental impact assessment and resettlement requirement

Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA)


The project aimed at:

  • Development/ Construction of a River Container Terminal/Depot at the Dholeswari River at a location nearly 30 Km south of Dhaka with handling capacity of 120,000 TEU p.a. and storage capacity of 2,500.
  • Acquisition of five second hand vessels with 100-140 TEU capacity to operate vessel service between Chittagong and Dhaka

The main components of the consultancy services are:

  • Technical, environmental and social, and market review of the project which included all technical issues, associated with cost/expenses, Operation & Maintenance Plan, ESIA, ESAP, ESMS, current and expected market development, etc.;

Design, supervision of management and civil construction;


  • Provided local assistance to the Team Leader and other experts i.e. Environmental and Social Experts, Technical Experts, Market experts, etc. in the matter of initial data review, collection of local data, laws and regulations, design standards, cost estimates, information on IWT, container traffic and freight market, arranging meetings, interviews, local tours and transports, site visits, carryout ESIA, preparation of ESAP, O&M Plan,
  •      Assistance to Project Management and Reporting;

Summit Alliance Port Limited (SAPL) and the FMO (Netherlands Development Finance Company)