Chittagong is the major port city and the gateway of Bangladesh. It is also the second largest city and the “commercial capital” of the country. The Karnaphuli River divides Chittagong City into two parts. One part is confined with the city and the port, the other part is the area of heavy industry. Current two bridges are not sufficient to accommodate the existing huge traffic flow which is increasing with time. Due to river morphology, siltation on the bed of the Karnaphuli River is a big problem and the major threat for proper functioning of the Chittagong Port. To face the problem on siltation, Bangladesh Bridge Authority (BBA) intends to construct a tunnel crossing the Karnaphuli River instead of construction of another bridge over the same river. The project focused on carrying out of detailed economic and engineering investigation to examine economic viability and technical feasibility for construction of tunnel under the Karnaphuli River. There were 3 alignment options (A, B and C) for detailed study in this feasibility stage and based on the topographic and bathymetric survey, geological investigation, hydrological survey and other associated techno-economic studies the Alignment-C (Patenga-KAFCO crossing) has been recommended by the consultants. The principal part of Alignment C adopts the expressway standard and the approach road adopts the urban trunk road functions.
Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by your Staff:
- Optimization of length, location and alignment of the tunnel;
- Determination of the appropriate tunnel construction method, tunnel configuration and technology;
- Detailed traffic survey with Origin and Destination (O-D) survey, traffic analysis and traffic forecast for a reasonable time horizon establishing traffic model;
- Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management and Mitigation Plan (EMMP);
- Assessment of resettlement requirements and preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP);
- Assistance in setting out design criteria, preliminary design of the tunnel, approach roads and other components with cost estimation;
- Preparation of Land Acquisition Plan (LAP);
- Study of socio-economic impacts assessment of the project at local, national and international level;
- Optimum toll rate determination, detailed economic and financial evaluation determining EIRR, NPV, BCR, FIRR along with sensitivity analysis for different scenarios and toll rates;
- Formulation Operation and Maintenance (O & M) Plan;
Preparation of financial model.